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Public News Post #540

A Swift Rapadruk Festival Coming Soon Near You!

Written by: Herald of the Ocean Arissa Moonchild, the Muse
Date: Friday, October 28th, 2022
Addressed to:

Greetings, Sector!

In observance of the Krona holiday of Rapadruk, the Guardians of Celestine have gathered and agreed to host a few events and competitions to bring a little spoopy joy to all!

Do you like prizes and competitions? Do you like designing gorgeous and garish garments? Would you like to taste the most disgusting soup ever created in the history of everything??

Participate in these events and if you win you will get marks, credits, and perhaps even a spoOoOoOpy surprise!

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Pikato Carving Contest
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We know you've seen those pikatos around! Have you ever wanted to make one that is more unique to you? Now is your chance!

For those participating, your pikato designs, sketches, and/or notes will be submitted to Arissa Moonchild to pass out amongst the Guardians so that we may all squee over your artistry!

The winning entrant, subject to Guardian review and approval, will have the honor of their design taking over the Crossings Pikato! This gigantic piece of vegetation will call the Celestine Crossings home until Elder Druk completes the Nidrak-Bek, marking the end of Rapadruk.

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Junk Soup
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Guardian Exarch Arissa Moonchild has crafted a rather large cauldron full of a bubbling mixture sure to turn even the most ridiculous things into something... at least edible.

In the name of experimentation and scientific advancement, we are seeking those who are either brave or curious enough to place their most intriguing foods and found-objects into the Cauldron to see what becomes of them. Surely it will be something delicious and not-at-all poisonous.

Bring your junk, your food, your pets, whatever you want! Throw it into the pot! After Rapadruk, we shall be presenting a meal made from all of your ingredients for sale so that you may all taste the 'fruits' of your labor.

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Crafters Spirit Contest
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This is a swift contest. We know there isn't a lot of time! With that in mind, we are giving you a challenge!

CHALLENGE: Create a Rapadruk themed item in three synchs to submit to Arissa. Submit either:

a meal/drink.

Should you accept, the winners of each category will receive 100,000 marks and 50 credits to continue their crafting! You are welcome to enter all three categories, but you may only submit ONE entry for each.

The Ascendancy will also be paying a traveling vendor to sell some of the winning designs throughout the sector in the Rapadruk seasons now and to come. We are currently reviewing vendor applications, so do contact the Guardian Exarch Arissa if you come to know of anyone who might be interested!

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Other Info
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This contest is a swift one. You do not need to have submitted and gotten approval for your designs, you merely must send the sketch/notes of it so that we may vote.

We are utterly grateful to each person that whizzes past the Crossings on their journeys through the stars, and this is a way to show you all our appreciation whilst also hopefully inspiring you to create!

From the Ascendancy to your Doorstep,
This is Arissa Moonchild, Guardian Exarch, Herald of the Oceans

*Submissions end on 10/31/2022 at midnight EST US and prizes and winners should be posted within a few synchs of that.**

**Prizes subject to change. Final prizes will be confirmed closer to the event.

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