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Public News Post #433

Show me your CREATIVI-TEA!

Written by: The Most Honorable Clover Moonchild, Mushroom Queen
Date: Monday, May 24th, 2021
Addressed to:

Hello friends!

Recently I was given the ownership perms to The Radiance of Atria, a once lost Decheeran ship made by Aduialneth - the famed engineer who designed the Starlily. It is, as you can imagine, an amazing honor to own such a beautiful, living part of history, and I am beyond myself every time I step foot on her bridge.

I have lovingly restored an ancient tea bot and fitted it with modern mixology software so that I can easily serve tea in the Radiance's tea glade, much like I do on my other ships, The Four Leaf and the Moonwarden. Now, I just need some tea to serve!

That's where you come in, Tea Masters! I could do it myself, but where's the fun in that? I would much rather serve up a variety of tea from tea makers all over the sector.

Some of you may know that I grow mushrooms, a hobby I pursued even before the purchase of the Radiance. Well... flora of all kinds can be found in abundance aboard The Radiance, but mushrooms are particularly prolific, and I'd like to use some of the mushrooms and other ingredients on the ship to make the teas for the Radiance's tea room.

Here are the rules for the contest!

-You can enter as many times as you want! I will select 5-10 teas (entirely depending on quality and amount of entrants!) to actually stock in the tea room of the Radiance, and only those selected will receive the maximum prize. I am expecting this number to be much closer to 5, but I am open to more if there is more interest!
-The tea should be based on one of the flowers, mushrooms or other things that grow on The Radiance of Atria! //I would like these teas to be special and thematic. Feel free to make this up, but if you'd like to tour the ship to get a better idea in mind, or would just like a list of room descs or things that currently grow in the ship, I can provide either of those things happily - just send a message and ask!
-Feel free to use hallucinogenic ingredients! //You don't have to, but I'd love if some of the teas were trippy! If you do this, just note to make it only 'mildly' hallucinogenic, since we don't have the drugs tradeskill yet.
-Vegan, please!
-You must be willing to allow me to submit it as a design, since I don't feel like messing around with design perms. If you are particularly attached to it, this is negotiable - just let me know!
-Obviously all designs should follow the rules of the design board! //I need an appearance, drink first, drink third, smell, and taste! If that means nothing to you, let me know and I can explain!

Besides the teas, I am also looking for crafters to make specialty cups to serve the tea in! You can submit a special cup along with your tea entry, or choose to just submit one or the other - either is fine! For the teacups, I would love natural, organic materials, things like mistbeam are wonderful! //I just need an appearance, dropped, and examined field for the cups.

Now for the fine print...

-All entrants will receive 10k just for participation. Any entrants from the Celestine Ascendancy will receive double that. This requires that you put some effort into your entry - if it obvious you didn't try at all, I reserve the right not to pay you.
-The top 5-10 winners - those that I choose to stock - will receive 100k and 50 credits each. This goes for both teas and teacups, if I get enough entries. If you submit a tea and a cup and both win, you will get 200k and 100 credits. You also get the honor of having your tea served in the Radiance!
-I plan on having a special menu made that mentions the creators of all the winning entries by name, so this will truly be a lasting honor.
-You might also get a special item from me in thanks.

If this contest gets enough traction, I do plan on holding a tea party on board the Radiance to announce the winners, but it all depends on interest!

//The contest will tentatively go on until June 10th -- but I reserve the right to change that date or cancel entirely if it seems like people aren't interested, or extend it if people are interested but need more time -- so if you intend to enter please send me a message even if you don't intend to submit for a while yet!

Thank you so much for your attention, and I hope you choose to share your tea-making talents with me!

Yours in joy and communi-tea,
(I'm so sorry, I had to, I have a problem...)
Clover Moonchild

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