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Public News Post #394

PfT 2v2 Tournament Update!

Written by: Codespeaker Xuthori
Date: Sunday, December 20th, 2020
Addressed to:

Greetings, everyone! I'm pleased to announce that we have 6 teams that have signed up for the tournament!

Our glorious gladiators in the MIL 75+ Category are as follows:
Team AA: Azlyn and Asteyr
Mischievious Miscreants: Mystor and Jaidyn
Team003: Ata and Ibo
Firewalls and Gadgets and Smashes Oh My: Erni and Holgorath
Big Beak Energy: Aphra and Valincora
Team Solo Harmony: Khal and Mairon
*Team names have been selected for those who have not submitted team names previously, and can of course be changed at any time

Given the size of the competition, the tournament will proceed in two rounds over the next few months.
The first round will be a Round-Robin, where each team fights each other in a Best-Of-1 fight series. Points will be awarded depending on how many people are left alive in your team at the end of the fight, according to the following table:
Scenario 1) Team A 2/1 alive, Team B 0 alive => True win. Team A 2 points, Team B 0 Points
Scenario 2) Team A 2 alive, Team B 1 alive => Partial win. Team A 2 points, Team B 1 Point
Scenario 3) Both Teams equal number of players alive => true draw. Both teams 1 point
Time Limits: The assumed time limit to determine the end of each match/fight is 10minutes (600 seconds). This can be adjusted if parties are fighting in the open, but the time limit must be agreed to by both teams BEFORE the fight starts! (//please include this agreement as part of your log)

The 4 teams with the highest scores will move on to the next round, with the bottom two dropping out entirely. Each team should have a total of 5 fights through the week. If you cannot complete any pairings, no points will be awarded for that matchup.
*In the case of ties in final scores, teams who scored more kills in their match ups will advance over those who got less kills.

Round 2 will be elimination round in Best of 3 format. The teams with the highest scores from Round 1 will be placed in the winners bracket, facing each other - the winner will move on to the finals, and the loser will face the winner of the losers bracket.
The other two teams will be in the losers bracket facing each other, with the loser being knocked out.
The finals will be a First-To-Three wins to determine the winner of the tournament!

Round 2 fights will need to result in a clear win or loss, so they will need to be held in non-arena locations, as agreed to by the contestants.
No Time limits for Round 2

E.g. for Round 2) Each Team ended round 1 with the following points: Team A 10, Team B 8, Team C 6, Team D 4
Winners Bracket: Team A vs Team B -> Team A wins, moves to finals; Team B loses, moves to Semi-Finals
Losers Bracket: Team C vs Team D -> Team D wins, moves to semi-finals; Team C eliminated
Semi-Finals: Team B vs Team D -> Team D wins, moves to finals, Team B eliminated
Finals: Team A vs Team D, first to three wins wins the tournament!

Round 1 will last for two months from Sathsday in the 3rd week of Starmourn, 961 A.E.
(// Start is 21 Dec 2020 Monday, 12pm GMT in case I have any last min rules/changes to make on the format based on feedback. Deadline for fights to finish is 3 Jan 2020, Sunday 0000hrs GMT, leaving it this long to allow for people to schedule stuff as may have Christmas/New Year Commitments)
(// There will be daily updates to the score table by me to keep everyone updated on the match up progress)
Round 2 will last for two months from the end of Round 1 - a formal annoucement will be made to set up the timeline for this.

- ***Fights must be logged and submitted to Xuthori for record keeping in case of discrepancies in reporting. If a fight log for a match up is not submitted, it will NOT be counted to your scoring!
(// I will not share your data or logs with anyone unless given permission to do so by all parties involved in the fight)
- Fights to take place either in Arena events (FFAs or Rampages) or non-Arena locations as agreed to between contestants.
- No outside interference allowed. and No resurrecting of clones/bodies allowed - each participant only has one life per match
- No class combination restrictions
- You may change classes BETWEEN fights (not DURING fights)

Prize Pool Update:
As no one has signed up for the under-75 MIL bracket, I have updated the prize pool for the 75+ category below:
MIL 75 bracket Teams
1st place: 400 Credits
2nd place: 200 Credits
3rd place: 100 Credits
4th place: 50 Credits
5/6th place: 10 Credits to all entrants

Good luck to all contestants! Please let me know if you have any questions on the proceedings!


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