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Public News Post #380

Updates on The Omnidancer Gala, Take Two!

Written by: Marshal Lupisentia Ironbound, the Shenanigan
Date: Friday, November 27th, 2020
Addressed to:

I know you've all been waiting patiently for updates on the Omnidancer Gala, and ohhh do we have news for YOU!

First, I would like to remind everyone that this event is open to the entire sector, regardless of MIL, experience, lawlessness, faction allegiance, or number of legs - Join us!

Now for the real fun:

<< The Date - -
Okay, I never really got the hang of all this new timey wimey stuff from the Institute, but I'm... pretty sure the Gala will be held at SYNC IN THE 2ND WEEK OF DUST, 960 A.E. Just show up around then 'n we'll figure the rest out from there.

// Gala Date: Saturday, December 12th at Sync. //

<< Prizes - - The prize pool has been majorly upgraded, thanks to our incredible sponsors: The Zevran Dynasty, Joyco, Keiko T'Rath, Holgorath Ironbound, and some anonymous heroes. Thank you all for your support and investment in making this event such a powerful opportunity for our performers!

With this in mind, I am proud to announce the following prizes:
<> First Place: 750,000 marks, 150 credits, AND a custom prize with some top secret fancy perks
<> Second Place: 500,000 marks AND 75 credits
<> Third Place: 250,000 marks AND 25 credits

The remaining 50 credits will be auctioned off as part of the door prize raffles. If anyone is looking to bring rainbow tesseracts for opening, let ya Shen know so I can add those to the timing roster.

<< Participants - -

Tippy Tapping for the Ascendancy: Grek, Clover, and Dmitri
Booty Shaking for the 'Home: Marcella, Sazabi, and last contest's CHAMPION Saiph
Representing the Dominion: Gwoss, Digit, and Quark

Looking to get in on all this fancy dancy action?
Message me for more information and start practicin' those hip thrusts and tappy toe maneuvers.

<< Judges - -
Marshals Holgorath and Lupisentia Ironbound, Lord Commander Vega T'rvati, and Guardian General Shardclaw Dragonlord

Contest participants will be ranked using a 1-10 scale at the event based on the following:
<> Fluidity and Complexity of Choreography
<> Meaningful Use of Props
<> Audience Interaction
<> Creativity in Costuming

As always, lewdity and nudity are appreciated, but will not automatically earn you bonus points. Dancers must dance naturally without utilizing the stage gimmicks that come with a standard gig. (//No PERFORMANCE/CONCERT stuff, just standard emotes and item interactions. Pet dancing assistance IS approved.)

I would encourage you to PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE before the event. Last minute entries may be accepted, but you will be doing yourself and your judges a favor by prepping ahead of time.

Looking to forward to all the fruits of your creative labors. I'm sure they'll be as delicious as they are entertaining.

Lupi, The Shenanigan

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