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Public News Post #369

Regarding Celestine's Misunderstand.

Written by: Lord Commander Vega T'rvati
Date: Thursday, October 15th, 2020
Addressed to:

Salutations, Starmourn Sector,

At no time was Picram's enemy status an issue, however the claims you made towards them regarding me playing at politics and using enemy statuses as a negotiation tool were incorrect, a fact you like to flout that has no basis on reality. Even my own enemy status, I have never bothered trying to fix in the entire time of my existence within the Starmourn Sector, and instead the Ascendancy is the one that has time and time again offered to clear my enemy status in return for things that I did not value or care for, but allowed from time to time since the people being unenemied included more than myself. I have no reason or desire to step foot in your city except to make a point.

Moreover, your claims of me playing games, and repeatedly doing things 'like this' are so vague that I have no idea what you could possibly be speaking about since I was never the point of contact for Van's situation. I was asked about what the rules were and I explained them to the Peacekeepers. So I am unsure where all this 'she said' nonsense is coming from nor do I care. The Dominion reaction is based purely on sedition attempts, slander, and baseless accusations, not a hacked CAC. Even if the Ascendancy was able to hack slivers every day we would be able to replace them, a claim that would not be matched in return. We have no reason to be petty over slivers outside of basic protocol, which you covered.

I do realize that this would be an easy concept to grasp if any attempt at communication was made at any time. Not a single Dominion Officer recalls speaking with Van or any Ascendancy individual about Van's enemy status or being contacted about their enemy status since the enemy status was given. If we were, prior to the now granted Sedition charges, they would have learned they only had a short amount of time left before they would be unenemied in accordance to the Dominion law for hacking the CAC and leaving graffiti.

The Starmourn Sector would be hard pressed to find any examples of me leveraging enemy statuses, I merely agreed or disagreed with them being offered by the Ascendancy both before and after my rise to the Lord Commander position. For some individuals they do get increased rates but I do let them know when that applies, and Van does not make the cut as they are not important enough in the grand scheme of things minus their repeated attempts to annoy me with their trivial nonsense since their time in Scatterhome.

The T'rvati Dynasty does not need to be unenemied from anywhere, and while it assists in getting around some minor inconveniences, there is nothing the Celestine Ascendancy offers us that is valuable. The dynasty's loyalty is to the Dominion first and foremost and we are more than happy to carry any and all burdens whether it financial, physical, or permanent death in service to our faction, and for you to think that we would use that very faction to leverage an enemy status that small is a joke.

I hope this clarifies my stance both as the Lord Commander and the leader of the T'rvati Dynasty.

For your baseless claims arguing that this is about slivers, and your inability to communicate, I see no diplomatic options worth pursuing since you are unable to even recognize the key issues. And not once did you communicate with anyone in relation to this enemy status that I have records of.

As a public announcement, the T'rvati Dynasty will be funding destruction of the guards on Celestine Crossing and their CAC. Dominion citizens clearing their guards will be rewarded 15,000 marks each sync for clearing them for the rest of the year. Scatterhome citizens may rejoice as they will get 7,500 marks per stack. And I will be placing a bounty on both Van and Grek for slander and more importantly, wasting my time. Enjoy.

In closing Van is permanently enemied to the Song Dominion for sedition attempts and Grek will be enemied for attempting to cause unrest until the year end. If I forget, just remind me so that we don't have to go through this whole song and dance yet again, Guardian Grek.

The call for Immortal heads will end when changes to Celestine diplomatic understanding have been made.

Lord Commander Vega T'rvati

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