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Public News Post #317

Resarching Prisms.

Written by: Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
Date: Tuesday, July 21st, 2020
Addressed to:

Hello, fellow Starmourners.

Since there's been a lot of chatter about researching and experimenting on these prisms, but to-date no publicly-posted research, I thought I'd go ahead and be the first to actually bring results forward.

Experiment one: Attaching a Quantum Power Cell to a Prism

Methodology: I stripped the wiring on a QPC and, using some robotic hands, manually attached the QPC to the Prism

Result: A massive amount of anomlies were spawned. At least four or five. Experiment discontinued due to unsafe conditions and very angry locals.


Experiment Two: Attempting to destroy a Prism.

Methodology One: Prism was exposed to blunt force delivered via clawbot.
Result One: No effect.

Methodology Two: Prism was exposed to thermal explosion delivered via bomb created by Researcher Lupisentia
Result Two: No effect

Methodology Three: Prism was exposed to kinetic force via high-speed ballistic projectiles delivered by Researcher Lupisentia (Who is an excellent shot, may I add)
Result Three: No effect

Methodology Four: Prism was exposed to high-temperature laser delivered via focused supercharged laser turret.
Result Four: A lake in the middle of nowhere was chosen for this experiment due to the lack of nearby natives. Animals were noted fleeing the scene as the laser began to work on the prism. A massive amount of anomalies were spawned (At least fifteen to twenty, by my count). Consistent feelings of uneasieness and nausea were noted by all team members (Myself, Researcher Lupisentia, Researcher Holgorath, and Researcher Shardclaw). Anomalies were of standard strength. The prism eventually disappeared after I felt my ears pop. It is presumed that the attempt to destroy the prism was successful.

Conclusions: I believe the prisms are similar to batteries. Their energy can be tapped into via exposure to other forms of sustained energy. Tapping into a prism typically results in massive amounts of anomalies being spawned, general feelings of malaise, and death due to anomaly. I believe once a prism's energy has been used up completely, it will simply cease to exist. Whether the prism shrinks to nothingness as energy is expended, the prism simply crumbles away, or the prism disappears by some other method is unclear at this time.

Next Steps: These experiments should be repeated in a laboratory setting where better readings can be gathered with scanning equipment.

Hope this helps,

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