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Announcements News Post #350

February Promo!

Written by: Feracht Whisperer Soren
Date: Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022
Addressed to:

Hey folks,

Too tired for a clever pun, sorry.

It is February and with February comes Generic Romantic Holiday fare from your friends at the Amory. Instead of their controversial love darts, this year we have love letters. Less painful, and less likely to get them sued! Which is definitely not why they changed to letters. Definitely.

For your Generic Romantic Holiday needs, we have on offer:

A Spread The Love Letter:
These letters award both sender and recipient a standard prize and a love token to spend in The Amory. But that's not the end of the fun! These letters can then be forwarded as many times as you like - with the first 5 recipients AND senders getting a small token gift on the way. Each sync in February there will be three 25cr prizes for the person who has been sent the most letters, the person who has sent the most letters, and the person who sent the letter that was forwarded the most times (no give-backs of the same letter, and daily prizes will be divided in the event of a tie). Make sure your friends know you care about them! Or that you just wanted 25 free credits and some fun prizes. Either way!

A Special Someone Letter:
These letters are single use only, but they award both sender and recipient with a prize with 6x the value of a standard prize. Both of you also get 3 love tokens!

The syntax for both of these letters is LOVELETTER and you can purchase them on the website! Go forth and prove your undying devotion to your beloved, your friends, or even your enemies with thoughtless offerings to the god of capitalism!

And what shiny new things can you get in the letters? Well, new to the promo this month are:

A token of dynasty friendship - Works just like the friendship tokens, but for your entire dynasty! Only useable with permission from the dynasty leader. Rules and regulations for regular friendship tokens apply. If you have a personal greeting from the NPC in question, it will override the dynasty greeting.

A small velvet jewelry box - This small jewelry box contains a charm bracelet, with over 60 charms available to express your own personal style! Do you freaking love superhaulers for some reason? Well, now you can tell everyone and do it in style! Charms available from love letters, and you can also buy the bracelet in the Amory shop.

An opulent jewelry case - A personal set of customizable jewelry for both you and (presumably) a loved one. These fancy pieces will let everyone know your love is for real with an adorable message to you (and everyone else in the room) when your love awakens from cryo. Perfect for fans of PDA, or... people who are really controlling... hrm. Anyway!

The latest issue of the Explorer's Express - A new zine based on wilderness creatures, for fans of RoamTek or... the Starmourn equivalent of furries? Can there be furries when some of us are furry already? So many questions! Anyway, it has great new customization options for you to try!

Artifact: Workshop Connections - Sick and tired of those workshop managers not bending to your will? Do you want to select what type of mission they send you on? Get workshop connections and call the shots today!

Also in the mix we have some old favorites keeping with the heart theme, Heartbleed and Heartbeat Sensor, as well as QUANTUM CARGO NETS (all hail), Bushraki Muscular Augments, Faster Transports, Smartcore Stylist, Ship Illusions, Tradenet Downlink, Custom Build and Rapid Derma Gen V8000.

We also kept the Help Wanted poster and the cyborg botanist crates for a bit longer since those proved to be so popular, and stuck the old Heart of the Stars zine back into the mix as well. Also available are the usual credits, lessons, and random promo items.

Okay, I think that's it!

The Wheel is henceforth turned off (unless you have tokens still!) and Mission Control will be reset to its more generic version (albeit with a fun thematic skin) for now, but you can still shoot if you have batteries.

XOXO and stuff,
Your friendly neighborhood Soren

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