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Announcements News Post #304

Best of Mission Control!

Written by: Fiendish Damiel, Pew Pew Pew
Date: Tuesday, October 26th, 2021
Addressed to:

Howdy and happy Halloween, 'mourners!

Apologies for the delay on updates and a promo refresh - the admin have collectively had a hell of a month. But we have lots of fun things in the works for you still, including the conclusion of the HugTech fiasco, information on which will be in another post!

We kept hearing that some of you wanted to get your hands on some of the older items and promo arties, so this refresh should be right up your proverbial spooky alley.

For one week only (until the end of the month), the Mission Control board will have ONE OF EVERY PROMO ARTIFACT - including Omipasses and most other big prizes! (And we're listening about the kinds of stuff you'd like to see in the future, too, so sit tight! If you haven't already let us know what you're looking for - please do, keeping in mind that we do not want anything that tips the scales to P2W.)

SO, without further ado, some of the promo only arties you can win until the end of the month: Omnipass, all the Bushraki artifacts, Deepspace Delivery, Free Voidgates, Homewarp, Improved Scoops, and more! Is it a promo artifact? It's on there! (Except superstim, because... P2W. No more superstims. Sorry 'bout it.)

Annnndd some of the older returning items are: Epic Hero Gear blocks and Extraordinary Armaments Crates, a handheld slicer's terminal, rockhopper bubbles, all manner of terrarriums and gardening kits, and of course the Rapadruk items are still in the list - go visit your local Mission Control room to see the full and MASSIVE list of all the possible artis and item prizes!

And just to throw a few new things into the mix, you might also find a bobblehead of your best friend Eddie, a string of spooky Rapadruk lights, a macabre holocard frame and a candybag of Candy Dan's latest and greatest treats.

There will be no big prizes this time because the big prizes are ALL in the item list! Obviously the coveted arties, but yes, also the sweet friendship, weapon upgrade and mod tokens! Happy shooting!

(Also! Don't forget the Scare The Storytellers contest, ending on Halloween! Get your entries in, folks!)

Damiel, Soren and all of the other pixies in admin land. YES DOMIN YOU'RE A PIXIE TOO.

No... Neritus is a Wizard.


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