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Announcements News Post #90

November updates and hacking rewards (p1)

Written by: Ilyos, the Arbiter
Date: Thursday, November 21st, 2019
Addressed to:

Greetings Starmourners,

The month of Hacking continues with a few updates!
First up, we've tightened some screws and redone some wiring on the Worldbreaker's Wheel and it's working better than ever. From now on, whenever you win an artifact from the list of possible artifacts, it will prioritize giving you one you don't already own. If you own all of them, well, then you'll get duplicates.
The artifact selection has been changed a little, a few stat arties making their way in, alongside the %7Singularity Theory artifacts%.

The Singularity Theory postulates that one person's soul may exist simultaneously across various incarnations. The way these artifacts work is the following: If you're on an alt and you have a character with a higher experience total than the alt you're playing right now, your xp gain is increased by 50% until you reach the highest experience total you have on your account. There's three variations of this artifact: experience, hacking xp and captaincy xp. This only works for the alt you have the artifact on. (This artifact is also enabled for general purchase and they each cost 250 credits)

Among new wheel items you'll find:
- a pressurized can of paint remover - works just like regular paint remover except it lasts forever and has a 10 minute cooldown. That offending graffiti will have nothing on you now
- a color-changing morfish - This fish changes color. Like the name says!
- a gold-patterned circuit fish
- a miniature ocean ray

The Unstoppable Binary fish baggie you'll find on the Wheel will have a chance to give you a fish from ALL of our previously released ones. Oh and you can %7XENOZOO SCAN% them now. All the fishies! Yes, that's quite something. That's almost 40 fish!

Next up, we just got word from FRAY that they've opened up a set of Ops enhancer that anyone can purchase, provided they have enough FRAY Credits on hand. Consult your CONTRACTS REWARDS syntax for relevant information on what these things are.

%7NOTE:% The Vanity section is currently still a work in progress. Expect an update here over the next couple of days, with some other interesting developments that we hope you'll enjoy. Vanity will cover things like exclusive minipets, exclusive customizations, VIP treatment someplace special and other things. The contracts rewards list will be updated regularly, so let us know your thoughts on these things.

Also, because CAC hacking has turned out to be quite popular, the daily bonus decay has been decreased from 6 slivers to 3 slivers.

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