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Announcements News Post #77

Music, bands, performance!

Written by: Ilyos, the Arbiter
Date: Thursday, August 1st, 2019
Addressed to:

Ever wanted to be a Nanorock star? Had dreams of becoming a Streampop icon? Or do you just like to chill and jam out some Dreamfunk once in a while?

Well all your dreams are about to come true as we are now introducing PERFORMANCE. There is a budding musician in everyone, or so we like to believe. So you may now put our theory to the test and go out and perform music for the masses.

Before you do so, you need to choose a PERFORMANCE INSTRUMENT. Choose between GUITAR, KITHDRUMS, VOIDPIPES, SYNTHBOARDS, EUKULELES and VOICE. The choice matters very little to us, but it might mean the world for you! Take care, you can't switch for now after a choice is made.

After you have an instrument of choice, seek out venues where you can perform in the world and PERFORMANCE PERFORM. Focus only on your songs and do nothing else until the performance is over, or you will lose focus. Currently there are venues at: Lamentations on Omni, Gravity in Haven City, Malice in Litharge and the Verge in Song City. As you perform, you will get better at it and increase in level, increasing the amount of tips you make from a performance and unlocking other options. (Yes, you gain marks every time you perform and the better you get at it, the more you get. Don't expect to become rich overnight though, you start from the ground up. Consistency is key!).

Once you reach level 3 in performance (which you can always check via PERFORMANCE STATUS), you may form a BAND! That's right, your very own band. Become as famous as Talking Tukkav or Shentones! You can invite up to 4 people to join your band and you can then start getting GIGs. GIGs are awesome opportunities to make yourself and your band known to the masses! Schedule concerts, entertain the audience during the concert and grow your band's popularity (and income). But be warned, miss out on your scheduled concerts and the fans won't be happy at all.

Note: It costs 25,000 Marks to form a band!

Notes about GIGs:
- A band can have a gig/concert once every 20 hours
- You can schedule gigs in advance and it is recommended to do so. You will always have a NPC audience and the more time passes before a concert, the more word gets out and more tickets sell
- Missing a concert will severely impact your reputation. You need ALL members in the venue before you can PERFORMANCE BAND GIG PERFORM and initiate the start of a concert
- Using PERFORMANCE BAND GIG PERFORM [color] [emote] once a concert is started will allow you to display colored, free form emotes for everyone in the room to see! It is your responsibility to make the show entertaining for those in the audience!
- Be sure to PERFORMANCE BAND GIG CONCLUDE and end the concert before the day rolls over or the concert will be considered to have been missed
- You need at least 4 players in the room (outside band members) in order to gain popularity from a concert. Otherwise, you only get the money from the NPC tickets.

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