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Announcements News Post #59

June Artifacts, Bushraki and the Wheel.

Written by: Ilyos, the Arbiter
Date: Saturday, June 1st, 2019
Addressed to:

Hey there, Starmourners. June is big, and we've got a lot of new exciting things in the works. The month has just started, and while we don't want to spoil all the surprises in one day, we do have a bunch of awesome items to share with you right out of the gate! Let's take a look at the brand new shiny.

First up, a new batch of artifacts has been released. You can find them in ARTIFACT LIST. Here is a quick rundown:

- KineDyn Holdings: Tactical Support Software v1.0 : +5% Weapon damage (this requires and takes up a mod slot on the weapon)
- KineDyn Holdings: Tactical Support Software v2.0 : +10% Weapon damage (this requires and takes up a mod slot on the weapon)
- KineDyn Holdings: Tactical Support Software v3.0 : +15% Weapon damage (this requires and takes up a mod slot on the weapon)
- 'Stargazer' H.E.T.E. Contract : Reduces cloning costs by 10%
- 'Nomad' H.E.T.E. Contract : Reduces cloning costs by 20%
- 'Soldier' H.E.T.E. Contract : Reduces cloning costs by 30%
- 'Gladiator' H.E.T.E. Contract : Reduces cloning costs by 40%
- 'Admiral' H.E.T.E. Contract : Reduces cloning costs by 50%
- H.E.T.E. Scanners Backdoor Access : If you have CONFIG DEATHALERT ON, whenever a player dies you will learn the exact location of the death (provided it is not in space)
- Crafting Bureau Permit : Removes design submission costs (Urgent design costs are halved)
- Commsphere registration pass - Gender : Allows you to change your gender preference every hour
- A consumable, one time gender switching is also available via CUSTOMIZE GENDER <gender> for 100cr
- Equipment Augmentation Kit : Allows you to repair your gear up to 100% durability
- Ship Beacon Jammer : You may activate it via SHIP JAMMER to block all other SHIP BEACONs from detecting your ship's name and captain for 10 minutes. You may still be attacked and attack, but your identity is not revealed. 1 hour cooldown
- Cargo Retrieval Astrobots : These tiny astrobots will automatically scoop up all cargo around your ship whenever your ship moves
- Personal Proxy Server : Reduces grid lockout duration on failed hacks by 75%
- Static Web Launcher : Shoots a web of static electricity in the room that increases crashing time by 100% and also makes moving out of the room difficult. Lasts for 1 minute. 15 minute cooldown
- Nanoboosted Adrenaline Generation - Boosts the duration of Victory Rush by 5 seconds and its effect from 10% to 15%. (You must have Victory Rush learned)

This is just the first batch of artifacts we have ready, but we have plenty more in the works. In addition to this, a number of existing artifacts are under review and will receive updates soon. Stay tuned for more information about that!
Alongside these goodies, we once again have the Worldbreaker's Wheel! You'll be able to find the wheel located in faction cities throughout the galaxy (see HELP WHEEL in game for more). Try your luck with a spin!

You have two ways of spinning - you'll be able to spin it once for free every in-game month (RL Day), after you've been online for 60 minutes. Additionally, you can obtain bigger, brighter winnings through the use of star-stamped tokens, which entitle the owner to spin for a greater prize pool! Star-stamped tokens are available in one of three ways:

- Direct purchase on the website ( - under "Artifact packages)
- As a bonus for every 100 credits purchased off the website (buy 100cr, get 1 token, buy 500cr, get 5).
- Very rarely, from the free wheel spins.

As for what the mysterious wheel has to offer, we're proud to announce that this month, we are offering items with a distinctly BUSHRAKI flavor. Have you always wanted to be a cyborg? Now you can, with our completely redone prize pool to include Bushraki-flavored augmentation artifacts and personal customisation options, along with plenty of Bushraki-themed ship decals, paint colors, and more!

Why Bushraki, you ask? We're sure you'll find out soon, but you've probably all heard rumors of various Bushraki gangs acting up in Scatterhome...

Let's take a look at the Wheel's prizes!

- Optical Enhancements : Allows you to GLANCE through closed doors
- Muscular Augments : Your crash is no longer uninterruptible by denizens (this does not apply to faction guards)
- Emergency Life Support : Whenever you take fatal damage, you will heal for 25% of your maximum health ( 1 hour cooldown).
- Gravitic Leg Augments : You have a 50% chance to resist any forced movement attempts
- Digestion Regulator : Triple your caloric intake!
- ADH Enzyme Boosters : You become immune to the effects of alcohol

- 99 new Bushraki themed customization options for your character! Get that heavily modified look on you today!
- Bushraki themed ship customization options
- a heavily modified Bushraki hoverbike
- a boxy control unit for INR retrieval
- an Amor Valentine bobblehead doll
- a vacc-needle stimpack : this is a ONE TIME use item that will heal you to full health
- a small painkiller pill : this is a ONE TIME use item that will restore 30% of your maximum health over time
- a star-stamped gaming token

- up to 350 lessons in various batches

- up to 200 credits in various batches

The free spins can grant you:
- Experience enhancing chips
- Stat enhancing chips (New! They will add +25 to the specified stat for 3 hours)
- Item Mods
- Level appropriate gear (New!)
- Credits
- Lessons
- Marks
- Star-stamped gaming tokens

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