Abilities of Scoundrel


CrackshotFire off your PIECE.
DetonateFire at an IED, triggering it.
PointblankA concussive, point-blank shot.
RapidfireWhy fire once, when you can fire twice?
IronsightsAim down your iron sights.
OutgunnedTake them all down.
RegularArmour-piercing ammunition.
AmmoselectRapidly switch ammunition effects.
ImpairingMentally-impairing bullet tips.
ArcingBullets fitted with mini EMP cores.
DisruptingBullet tips that damage the senses.
CombustingIncendiary ammunition cores.
WeakeningAmmunition tips that weakens the body.
InfusingAmmo tips with slow-release effects.
AmplifyingDamage-increasing ammo tips.
QuickloadReload your pistol in the heat of battle.
BackflipShoot your last bullet and escape with style
SpinReload quickly and prepare for your next shot.
ShellspillRoll your spent shells on the floor.
EjectThrow away an unspent magazine.
GaugeShoot while moving between cover.
CaveinBring down the roof.
AmbushShoot first, always.
UnloadFire off all of your ammo in rapid succession.
VigilantFire upon enemies who draw near.
BulletguardTake out incoming projectiles.
OverwatchReturn fire on your foes.


PocketsandToss sand into their eyes.
SuckerpunchDrive your fist into their gut.
GritblastBlast them with grit while reloading.
StimHeal yourself with stims.
HaymakerA powerful swing with your titanium knuckles.
TripSend them reeling.
BindHog-tie your helpless target.
PummelBeat them into a pulp.
InciteIncite a riot!
FacesmashTheir face was already ugly to look at.
IllegalmodsSafety is overrated.
BarPrevent traversal.
ImprovisedcoverTake cover where you can.
JetwashDisturb the air around them.
ShoulderrollRoll from one cover to another.
RouseRally the troops
ConcealHide in plain sight.
DashSprint in a chosen direction.
AirstrikeCall in an airstrike.
FirebombFlaming liquor death.
BugsPlant a bug.
ScanAssess the situation
TrackWho passed through here?
MultibugTune into multiple bugs at once.
WipetracksDisturb your tracks so nobody can follow you.
VisualbugDetect movement through your bugs.


BandoliersIED storage, with style.
TriggerTrigger your IED in the crowd.
SweepSweep for explosives.
HideCarefully conceal an explosive device.
SlipSlip them an IED from on-high.
TripwireThey better watch their step.
ForcefeedOpen wide!
LobSend your IEDs flyin'.
DisarmNo more bomb.
MultibombBigger boom, bigger smiles.
FlingThrow an IED while you reload.
StickybombReload and place an adapted IED in one motion.
ConstructionConstruct improvised explosives.
WiringWire it up for a 1-2-3 punch.
TimerAdd a timer for delayed blasts.
ShrapnelLoad your explosives with a painful punch.
RipperTear through flesh like butter.
PopperSend blasts high into the air.
BlinderDull their senses with a powerful flash.
PiercerFill the air with toxic darts.
PusherBlast them away with a powerful wave.
ZapperThrow technology into disarray.
ShriekerDrive them to distraction.
MelterSpray corrosive acid around.
SleeperNight night, princess.
ChokerUnleash noxious gasses.
DistorterImpact their sense of time and space.