Abilities of Nanoseer


NanitesRecharge your nanites.
RecallCall your nanites back to you.
MiniaturizationGenerate more nanites.
ReplicationNanites replicate in cloning vats.
SwarmOverwhelm your foe with a swarm of nanites.
ConfoundSend the nanites to hit a nerve.
DistractLet them shake.
MultistrikeThree strikes are better than one.
EyestrikeGo for the eyes!
ZapDisable their devices.
SluggishSlow targets are easier to handle.
EchoingA condition not soon forgotten.
MultiswarmSend your nanites against everyone.
WireblockDisable their wetwiring.
MindswapRewire their brain.
DelayDelayed action.
AffinityImprove the effects of your nanites.
ProtectHave your nanites protect you from harm.
InterceptIntercept damage aiming at your vitals.
CounterzapProtect your nanites.
AlertnessWho goes there?
ScanSurvey the area.
MisleadIt was not me!
AnalyzeLearn more about them.
EnvelopNanites have ears.
RelayWatch their every step.
ControlYour wish is their command.
RushMove like the wind.
DisarmIt would not have exploded anyway.
ReconstructRepair damage done to a prop.


LevitateRise into the air.
PullPull flyers back to the ground.
AirgrabLevitate an entity from above.
ReleaseRelease a levitating entity.
PropgrabLevitate a prop.
PropdropDrop a levitating prop.
HurlHurl a prop away.
DragDrag someone along with you.
EmbraceHeal your body by embracing the void.
StripRemove defenses.
SootheFocus on healing your body and mind.
MinddrainDrain the mind.
DrainDrain resources to heal yourself.
SuffocateDrain the very air around your foe.
ExtinguishExtinguish walls of fire.
RattleDisrupt the healing of another.
RoomdrainDrain energy from everyone present.
PaxA complete halt to all activities.
FreezeBlast with the coldness of the Void.
CalmSoothe that which burns you.
LimbdrainDrain a limb.
ShatterShatter a fully weakened foe.
GroundfreezeFreeze the ground.
PointzeroAugment your draining attacks.
BarrageInflict damage to everyone.
VacuumsphereAll-encompassing emptiness


ChannelChannel the Empyreal power.
SwapInstantly swap to another Empyreal.
DisruptDisrupt the channeling of another.
AwarenessSpeed up your channeling.
AffinityHurl yourself deeper into Oblivion.
ConquerorChannel the power of the Conqueror.
FrenzyDrive yourself into a reckless frenzy.
MindmeltMelt a weakened mind.
MaladiesSpread the love. And maladies.
JoltReduce your cooldowns.
TravellerChannel the power of the Traveller.
MarkMark a room, then travel to it later.
SpeedupSpeed kills.
SlowdownSlowness kills, too.
TimelineManipulate the time itself.
ArchitectChannel the power of the Architect.
TranquilityEnter the pacified torpor of the Void.
EfficiencyBecome more efficient.
ExtendExtend the duration of your items.
DistributionWe have enough pain for everyone.
ProgenitorChannel the power of the Progenitor.
CureCure a random effect.
GroundingRoot everyone in place.
InterdictDeclare the Interdict of the Progenitor.
SundererChannel the power of the Sunderer.
DestructDestroy an item.
RipplesSpread ripples through your foes.
QuakeA mighty quake.
BreakdownBreak down the Wetwiring of another.