Abilities of Fury


ComboExecute complex maneuvers with little effort.
StancesFlow effortlessly through the stances.
AssaultSlash them with your kithblade.
GutrendHarness their internal damage.
SwiftcutExploit their weakened body.
LegspikeTake advantage of their damaged legs.
SweepWear down their legs.
AssailTorment their arms without mercy.
SearPour fire through their veins.
WoundStart them bleeding.
DriveDrive the wind from their lungs.
ConcussFocus an attack to their head.
PummelDisorient their mind.
CleaveCapitalize on their disorientation.
RendRend their flesh with fire.
SunderSweeping, sundering strikes.
HewCut their legs out from under them.
SalvoA salvo of blows to destroy their arms.
FlameboundTake advantage of their weakened arms.
StingWeaken their arms with a stinging strike.
BlitzUnleash a flurry of upper body blows.
AsymmetrySend them staggering.
RuptureBleed them dry.
HypertensionIncrease their blood pressure.
BloodsingeIgnite their blood.
BloodburnTurn their lifeblood against them.
BombardBarrel down from the skies.
CrippleAim for weak points in the legs.
BarrageWeaken their lower body.
RaindownLand with authority.
HeartrendCut their heart from their chest.


RageLet your rage guide your strikes.
StrikeTwo strikes are better than one.
DeflectDeflect all attacks.
UnstoppableNone shall stand in your way.
ResistantDamage? What damage?
UpperlashLash out at your enemy.
StunInterrupt actions.
ReelSend them reeling.
FlyinglashA fast lash from above.
BerserkLet the rage consume you.
DazeDaze your foe.
AftershockRecurring maladies.
ProptossToss a prop away.
GrappleWrestle with your target.
ToppleHow the mighty can fall.
SandblastA blast with the sand.
FlyingcutDamage a nearby prop.
AirleapRapid stance switch.
DeepstrikeA cut to the internal organs.
RendRend the muscles.
AirflipRapid stance switch.
ExposeNowhere to hide.
SliceSlice into your foe.
QuakeShake the ground.
JudgementKnow the exact effect of your attacks.
ShatterHiding won't save them from your rage.
OverwhelmSo many maladies.
TwistTwist the blade in the wound.
PositionEnter any stance effortlessly.
ThrowThrow them away.
OverpowerStrengthen your blows.


FlameshapeReshape your blade with the flame.
WindshapeReshape your blade with the wind.
LightningshapeReshape your blade with lightning.
FirebladeWreathe your blade in fire.
BurnChannel kith through your Blade.
IgniteScorch their flesh.
PropburnMay the props burn.
FeverInduce feverish hallucinations.
FirewreatheWreathe yourself in fire.
BladepushPush your blade into adjacent locations.
HeatwaveBurn them all.
NegateNegate draining effects.
QuicksandTrap them in quicksand.
InfernoSet the world on fire.
SuffuseHeal yourself with your kith.
CureHeal your innards.
HardenStrengthen your muscles.
WarmthProtect yourself against cold.
BalancingSupernatural reflexes.
FlightTake off into the skies.
FirewalkWalk on the fire itself.
RevealSee things as they really are.
MirageConceal the location.
UpturnMove all the props around.
GlimmerHeat up the air.
FatamorganaMore effective concealment.
OutburstClear your location.