Abilities of Engineer


BurrowbotConstruct a burrowbot.
WormBurrow into your victim.
ReleaseA painful release.
ConstrictLatch onto a limb.
HeartbreakerBreak the heart. Literally.
DroneConstruct a drone.
HarassDistract your target.
SearBurn them with lightning.
AirdropRecover parts from afar.
PulsePulses of electromagnetism.
CarrybotConstruct a carrybot.
ClawClaw a target.
DeconstructDeconstruct a bot.
TurretPortable turrets.
RetrieveRetrieve nearby props.
SwingSwing the crane arm.
RelocatePick up an item from afar.
MaintainConduct turret maintenance.
MinitankConstruct a minitank.
RamSend them sprawling.
CrushCrush a prop and anyone hiding behind.
SpikeFire a shrapnel.
DisruptA disruptive blast.
PushReset the duration on a shrapnel.
UAVConstruct a UAV.
SurveilWhere are you?
DeliverAerial delivery.
SeekAerial intel.
HomeportRecall remote bots.
RepairRepair a bot.
PatrolSend your bots on a patrol.
RepeatRepeat an attack.


ConstructConstruct gadgets.
WorkstationConstruct a workstation to program turrets.
StimjectorHeal your wounds.
SalvageSalvage items for parts.
QpcConstruct QPCs for powering turrets.
HudDiagnose others.
WormholeForm temporary wormholes.
GaussfieldPrepare the room for electricity.
ProjectorLead them astray.
HoverboardFly around on a hoverboard.
GravitywellClear the air.
PropshrinkShrink props.
SquashSquash them like a bug. Literally.
ProptossToss shrunken props.
PullPull someone in from an adjacent room.
JunkjetShoot shards at your target.
MagnetizeMagnetize embedded metallic shards.
MagnotronPull metallic shards out of your foe.
DegaussProtect your bots from EM attacks.
ShockZap your foe.
SpasmsInduce severe spasms.
GaussifySear the weakened muscles.
HeartstartRevive a dead person with a shock.


ConstructionConstruct turrets.
DeployDeploy a constructed turret.
RecallRecall your deployed turrets.
QpcboostPower up nearby turrets.
StatusCheck the status of a turret.
TransferTransfer control of a turret.
SubvertTake control of abandoned turrets.
EncryptPrevent unauthorized control.
ControlTake control of a turret.
OverpowerA short-term surge in power.
SentrymodeHave your turrets attack any enemy.
DefaultReset your turret's target list
FocusFocus your turrets on a target.
ConfigPrime your turrets in advance.
FortifyFortify a turret.
PantiltShoot into the air.
TargetlockLock on a target.
QpcInstall a quantum power cell.
SecurityPunish subversion attempts.
BatteryAdd an extra battery to your turret.
EfficiencyEfficiency is everything.
RollerbearingsFaster reaction time.
MultibarrelIncreased firing rate.
LaserDamage inflicting barrel.
ShockHigh voltage barrel.
FlamethrowerAll must burn.
RepairarmRepair loyal bots.
ShardflingerShoot metallic shrapnels.
StrobeFlashbang effect.
DisassembleBreakdown a turret for parts.
SurgeBlow up turrets along a path.