Game Help Files

9.9 Cargo Market

Ship cargo can be sold to other players, as well as various non-player corporations and governments. This is done via the Cargo Market. 

Summary of the Cargo Market's offers and orders.

  MARKET LIST                                           View a market list summary.

  MARKET LIST <comm> [INRANGE]                          View market listings for a commodity.

  MARKET LIST MINE                                      Show your own market listings.

  MARKET LIST PERSONAL                                  Show market listings only available to you.

Placing an offer on the Cargo Market. 

  MARKET SELL <quantity> <comm> FOR <x>                 Sell commodities on the market*

  MARKET SELL <quantity> TO <order_id>                  Sell commodities to a specific market order.

*Must be on a station or planet where commodities are stored. Input price is the price per unit.

Placing an order on the Cargo Market.

  MARKET BUY <quantity> <comm> FOR <x> AT <dest|HERE>    Buy commodities a specific place.

  MARKET BUY <quantity> <comm> FOR <x> ANYWHERE          Buy commodities anywhere on the market.

  MARKET BUY <quantity> <comm> FOR <x> IN <zone> [range] Buy commodities in or near a specific zone.

  MARKET BUY <quantity> FROM <offer_id>                  Buy commodities from a specific market offer.

To cancel an order:

   MARKET CANCEL <offer_id/order_id>