What is an Engineer?
“With a sharp mind, some spare parts and a lot of elbow grease, you will overcome anything the Sector can throw at you.”
Engineers are mechanically minded warriors with both the knowledge and will to craft their dreams into existence. Where the untrained eye sees a pile of scrap metal, the engineer sees untapped potential for all sorts of creations, though many specialize in weaponry.
With a broad variety of gadgets, modular turrets, and the ability to heal or even resurrect their comrades, Engineers serve as crucial supports and are always a welcome sight among their allies on the battlefield. Even on their own, this crafty know-how is a potent force, toppling the greatest of foes and squashing them beneath their techcraft.

What Can an Engineer do?
Engineers are primarily known for the wide range of items they employ, from stationary turrets to mobile drones, from magnotrons to hoverboards.
Engineers have access to the following skills:
Gadgets: This is all about just what it says: various kinds of gadgets. Here you'll find abilities around hoverboard use, magnotrons, shrink-rays, tazers, wormhole generators, and much more!
Turrets: With this, engineers establish networks of turrets (that other engineers can splice into) that must be powered with a QPC - quantum power cell. These turrets can be of multiple types, from laser to flamethrower to strobe and more, and the engineer can even transfer control of a specific turret network to someone else, engineer or not. Everybody remembers the first time they got a face full of shrapnel from a shardflinger! (Because it hurts so much. Ouch.)
Bots: An engineer can deploy multiple bots ranging from scouting drones to tankbots to burrowbots and more. These bots don't just do damage - they can do things like push a table over on someone taking cover behind it, or to spy on a particular room. These bots can also be sent on multi-room patrol paths set up by the engineer that the bots will move through on repeat, allowing the engineer to project power beyond her location.
This is all about just what it says: various kinds of gadgets. Here you'll find abilities around hoverboard use, magnotrons, shrink-rays, tazers, wormhole generators, and much more!
The skills available in GADGETS include:
Construct Construct gadgets.
Workstation Construct a workstation to program turrets.
Salvage Salvage items for parts.
QPC Construct QPCs for powering turrets.
Stimjector Heal your wounds.
HUD Diagnose others.
Wormhole Form temporary wormholes.
Gaussfield Prepare the room for electricity.
Projector Lead them astray.
Hoverboard Fly around on a hoverboard.
Gravitywell Clear the air.
Propshrink Shrink props.
Squash Squash them like a bug. Literally.
Proptoss Toss shrunken props.
Pull Pull someone in from an adjacent room.
Junkjet Shoot shards at your target.
Magnetize Magnetize embedded metallic shards.
Magnotron Pull metallic shards out of your foe.
Degauss Protect your bots from EM attacks.
Shock Zap your foe.
Spasms Induce severe spasms.
Gaussify Sear the weakened muscles.
Heartstart Revive a dead person with a shock.
With this, engineers establish networks of turrets (that other engineers can splice into) that must be powered with a QPC - quantum power cell. These turrets can be of multiple types, from laser to flamethrower to strobe and more, and the engineer can even transfer control of a specific turret network to someone else, engineer or not. Everybody remembers the first time they got a face full of shrapnel from a shardflinger! (Because it hurts so much. Ouch.)
The skills available in TURRETS include:
Construction Construct turrets.
Deploy Deploy a constructed turret.
Recall Recall your deployed turrets.
QPCboost Power up nearby turrets.
Status Check the status of a turret.
Transfer Transfer control of a turret.
Subvert Take control of abandoned turrets.
Encrypt Prevent unauthorized control.
Control Take control of a turret.
Overpower A short-term surge in power.
Sentrymode Have your turrets attack any enemy.
Default Reset your turret's target list.
Focus Focus your turrets on a target.
Config Prime your turrets in advance.
Fortify Fortify a turret.
Pantilt Shoot into the air.
Targetlock Lock on a target.
QPC Install a quantum power cell.
Security Punish subversion attempts.
Battery Add an extra battery to your turret.
Efficiency Efficiency is everything.
Rollerbearings Faster reaction time.
Multibarrel Increased firing rate.
Laser Damage inflicting barrel.
Shock High voltage barrel.
Flamethrower All must burn.
Repairarm Repair loyal bots.
Shardflinger Shoot metallic shrapnels.
Strobe Flashbang effect.
Disassemble Breakdown a turret for parts.
Surge Blow up turrets along a path.
An Engineer can deploy multiple bots ranging from scouting drones to tankbots to burrowbots and more. These bots don't just do damage - they can do things like push a table over on someone taking cover behind it, or to spy on a particular room. These bots can also be sent on multi-room patrol paths set up by the engineer that the bots will move through on repeat, allowing the engineer to project power beyond her location.
The skills available in BOTS include:
Burrowbot Construct a burrowbot.
Worm Burrow into your victim.
Release A painful release.
Constrict Latch onto a limb.
Heartbreaker Break the heart. Literally.
Drone Construct a drone.
Harass Distract your target.
Sear Burn them with lightning.
Airdrop Recover parts from afar.
Pulse Pulses of electromagnetism.
Carrybot Construct a carrybot.
Claw Claw a target.
Deconstruct Deconstruct a bot.
Turret Portable turrets.
Retrieve Retrieve nearby props.
Swing Swing the crane arm.
Relocate Pick up an item from afar.
Maintain Conduct turret maintenance.
Minitank Construct a minitank.
Ram Send them sprawling.
Charge Charge!
Crush Crush a prop and anyone hiding behind.
Spike Fire a shrapnel.
Disrupt A disruptive blast.
Push Reset the duration on a shrapnel.
UAV Construct a UAV.
Surveil Where are you?
Deliver Aerial delivery.
Seek Aerial intel.
Homeport Recall remote bots.
Repair Repair a bot.
Patrol Send your bots on a patrol.
Repeat Repeat an attack.
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