Your character is a multi-faceted being with quite a bit of information associated with it, from race to stats and more. Here's some initial info!
In Starmourn characters have both a first and a last name. Your first name is the one you name your character when you create it, so perhaps you pick the name "Proximi".
Your last name will be obtainable by joining a Dynasty, which is a close-knit organisation formed by players for a specific reason. They could range from a family, to a business, to a secret society of assassins. When the dynasty has enough members, they'll be able to record an official unique surname, and members will be able to adopt that, should they choose.

As you'd expect in an epic sci-fi MUD, Starmourn has a variety of races you can play as - at least 12 in our case! Read up more about the various announced races here.
Surprise, we have levels! I know, I know - you're shocked. The innovation of it all!
More seriously, the level range at launch will be 1-75. XP will be earned to level you up, with your highest-ever xp figure recorded such that if you lose xp due to death (we will have an xp death penalty), you can regain xp up to that point significantly more quickly than you got there the first time.
As in many games, your health is a general substitute for taking general damage. When you run out of health, you die.
Your health range in Starmourn will be approximately 200-10000, depending your level, your equipment, and your lifeforce stat.
Class Resource
Most character classes in Starmourn have at least one class resource that's specific to their class and is used to power abilities in the class.
Offensive Stats
Each class has two offensive stats that they focus on, you will invest points gained while leveling up (or rewards for obtaining honors), which will increase the potency of your attacks.
- Strength - Affects your melee damage, including melee weapons as well as fists and feet.
- Aim - Affects your aim with ranged weapons.
- Psyche - Affects any kith abilities you use as well as anything mentally-based.
- Techcraft - Influences how effective things like power armor are for you, as well as specialist tech like grenades, traps, nanoswarms, and so on.
- Agility - Helps dictate how well you can perform abilities that are acrobatic or require lots of coordination.
For example, a Nanoseer invests points in Psyche and Techcraft, while a Scoundrel will invest in Aim and Agility.

Defensive Stats
- Lifeforce - Affects avatar max health.
- Regen - Helps increase the health healing capabilities of your wetwiring system.
- Evasion - Helps avoid some incoming damage on avoidable attacks.

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