There’s a rumblin’ in the galactic news stands…
Rumor has it that HETE has run into a new bug in their records system and speculation abounds! How might it affect spacers in the Starmourn sector? You’ll have to log in to find out! April’s primed for good times, laughs, and silliness to kick off the most foolish of seasons. We’ll post details here…
Read more...Celebrating the New Year with a January Promo Update!
It’s wild to believe that Starmourn is already turning SIX years old, but here we are! Let’s celebrate in style – Everyone who logs in this month will receive a free Rainbow Tesseract and a 6th Year Commemorative badge! TOUCH the badge for a sentimental look back at some of our friends from the new…
Read more...Goodbye Winterflame, Hello New Year~
And with that, another Winterflame season has come to a close! Thank you all for celebrating another warm-hearted winter festival with us here in Starmourn. The SS Ironbeard has already returned home for a much deserved rest, and Factional elements will be slowly put back into storage over the next sync or so. For everyone…
Read more...Glowing In The Festive Snow – It’s Winterflamein Starmourn!
Late to post, but for those who don’t already know… It’s officially Winterflame in the Starmourn Sector! Don’t miss your chance to earn up to 8 FREE rainbow gifts to share with your friends, packed with winter holiday presents. In fact, you’ll get one just for talking to Rohna on Omni Station! The Winterflame Festival…
Read more...Bye, Floating Market! Until next time.
We bid farewell to the Floating Market at the top of this month, but I wanted to take a moment to share some of this on the blog as well – New shops this round included a vehicle stall, storage options, and pets as well as new stalls for promotional items that had previously been…
Read more...It’s Floating AND It’s a Market!
Welcome one and all to the event of the season in Starmourn – The Floating Market 976 A.E.! This year the market will be floating around Fontain Station from November 15th-25th, which should be plenty of time for folks to thoroughly check it out. As always you may either fly to it or take ground…
Read more...It’s the spookiest time of the year~
What’s that? Who’s there?! For those of you not already in the Discord, here’s your mid-month reminder: Rapadruk Season is upon us, Starmourn! As the night’s shadows encroach on the day’s glow, the gloomy holiday brings out the band of Candy Dans and all sorts of trickery across those populated planets and ALL known racial…
Read more...Floating Markets, Rapadruk Spirits, and Winterflame Festivity – Oh My!
Now that things have settled a bit with the Newbie Experience, check out the roster of fun end of year holidays the Starmourn sector is known for! October Rapadruk Season is the Starmourn analog to Halloween, and the Sector decks itself out with ENTHUSIASM for all the spooky theming and parties similar to the Earthen…
Read more...The New Tutorial’s First Days, New Archaeology, and QOL Updates
The Starmourn Devblog: Read this to learn about our ongoing promotion, new archaeology digsite, and QOL Command “WELCOMEBACK”!
Read more...Sound the Alarms: It’s Happening!! New Starmourn Tutorial Releasing TOMORROW.
To those who’ve been thinking about taking their first steps in the Sector or those consider a return from an extended cryo nap- It’s time!
Read more...BETA Testing Round 2 For The New Tutorial Begins Today!
Small yet mighty, the new Starmourn Tutorial zone packs a punch in a compact space with the goal of onboarding new and veteran MUD players alike into IRE’s unique sci-fi title – And it’s completely free-to-play! Round two of BETA testing for the new tutorial has officially kicked off today, which means we’re another step…
Read more...What’s That Shining On The Horizon? Devblog Updates!
Starmourners and beyond! A small update on what’s going on behind the curtain – New Tutorial, website updates, new areas, and more!
Read more...New Hunting Grounds – Explore the Lha Ti Homeworld of Ghenla!
A big thank-you to Picram and Shunvaz for inspiring our recommended playtime event, and to everyone who participated in this lore exploration! Recap: After conducting a very newbie-friendly overview of Starmourn’s modern history, Picram and guests were given an open invitation to meet with a Lha Ti named Ambassador Mhoyul to learn about the mysterious…
Read more...A Little Starmourn Mischief and Much More Fun…
Recommended play time: Log in any time on April 1st to find out, plus claim something naughty-or-maybe-nice in the chaotic spirit of the holiday.
Read more...Tiggywink vs Larsson for Starmourn’s Egg-streme Easter Rescue 2024!
It’s that time of year, folks! Time for some egg-celent adventures out in the Starmourn Sector. Fufu Tiggywink and Derika Larsson have once again taken their respective places on Omni and Paskal Station and require your help to hunt the Sector for chicks, lapines, and eggs! Remember that you can always WALK TO to walk…
Read more...Coming Soon: The Starmourn Tutorial Is Getting A Glow-Up
The Admin team has been working hard on the new tutorial, testing along the way and taking care to ensure all your feedback is being brought into account. We’ve broken the tutorial out into three key phases for development, loosely summarized as follows: Phase One of the tutorial is COMPLETE! This covers the initial entrance…
Read more...New Racial Greeting Emotes for Cultural RP
Hey Starmourn Sector! 👋 👽 New racial emotes are now available for all races to complete a culturally derived GREETING to other spacers. More info, including all racial emotes, is available in HELP RACIAL EMOTES. RACIAL GREETINGS RACE EMOTE INPUT Amaian LIFTHAND Belaul BELAULGREET Bushraki MODBOAST Decheeran DECHGREET Elgan ELGANGREET (Response: LINKARMS) Human HANDCLASP Jin…
Read more...Make your mark on the NEW tutorial area!
As work continues on the revised tutorial area, we’re offering our community the chance to have their ideas implemented in lore and for new players to experience going forward. Check it out!
Read more...Your Time to Shine: Roleplay Bounty in Effect Through February 29th!
The Starmourn admin team has issued a Leap Year RP Bounty! Submit your RP Request by February 29th for priority review on your admin-assisted RP event. Click the link to learn more!
Read more...Welcoming 2024 – A brief glance at the year ahead!
A colorful array of fireworks, erupting in a perfectly black, starless sky