Iron Realms Relieves 1.5 Million in Medical Debt

Starmourners, for the past two weeks, our game, and the rest of the Iron Realms games, have been raising money to donate to a special charity. Here to tell us how we collectively did (spoiler: amazing, and I for one am so proud to have been a part of this) is our President, Jeremy Saunders.…


Looking Forward

The new year is here, and Starmourn feels more refined and grown up by the day. The game has advanced in leaps and bounds from its fledgling beginnings to something that we all feel truly proud of. Not bad, for something that’s barely a year old as of this writing! We hope that 2020 will…


Starmourn: On the Horizon

Over the next month or two, you can expect big changes to come to the internet’s favorite science fiction text-based game. From roleplay events to PVP overhauls to new enhancements and talents to earn for play after level 75, we’re working hard to deliver new and better content to our playerbase. Keep reading to learn…


Ship updates

We’ve just unveiled a massive batch of ship changes, giving space ships a whole bunch of additional fit-out customisation, as well as paving the way for a bunch of upcoming ship changes! Check out the Updates post #133 for all of the information!


Classleads are open!

We’re pleased to announce the opening of our first ever Classlead round here in Starmourn! What are classleads you ask? They’re a system whereby players can submit suggestions for changes or additions to a skill or ability in the game. Classleads will be open for submission for the next week – closing Sunday, February 24th…


Development Updates – Jan 3

The development team has just released their latest Dev. Updates post, detailing recent releases/changes and what’s on the cards for the immediate future! Check it out on the Starmourn forums today!



Just put up a small page about roleplaying in Starmourn to answer some questions we’ve been getting. Enjoy!


Happy Holidays!

Just wanted to wish all Starmourners a great holiday season no matter what you celebrate, and even if you celebrate nothing at all! More updates coming in early 2017, fear not!