Helloooo Cyborgs!

Just a little update before we dive headlong into December. We’ve been hard at work on new artifacts, systems and content for you all these past few months and I think Neritus is gonna post a whole post about all of that, but I’m just dropping by to say I’m super excited about the new artifact we’ve just dropped for Cyborg Monday.
The galactic forerunners in body modification, The M0DIF1KA Collective, a Bushraki organization based in New Dikamazi, have created a brand new body mod, now compatible with every race in the sector!
Introducing… The ‘M0DIF1KA R-153’ – fully integrated rocket wings!

Crafted from charcoal brushed paristeel by master Bushraki modders The M0DIF1KA Collective in New Dikamazi, these mechanized wings are implanted in the body subdermally, fusing with the wearer’s shoulders and wetwiring system to be a fully integrated modification.
The primary, secondary and scapular thermoregulated rocket boosters will allow their owner to fly, no matter their class skills, even up to the mid elevation within the winding tunnels of their creator’s home asteroid, or indoors anywhere else, for that matter.
MODIFICATION <INSTALL/UNINSTALL> WINGS is the command you’ll need to surgically implant the modification into your body, and they will show in your desc in the brand new ‘Body mods’ section on your LOOK description.
Once the wings are installed, they will:
- Activate the bhrk_wings artifact.
- Only work for you.
- Will allow you to FLY no matter where you are, and what your class skills are.
- Only one pair of wings can be installed at a time, but you can buy multiple pairs if you have more than one character, at a discounted price (an additional 20% off for every extra pair you buy, up to three!)
- In order to do this, you need to purchase the number required via the ‘Artifact Packages’ tab on the credits page and then in-game you’ll be able to CONSIGN <wings#> <NAME> to send them to an alt.
- You may only consign artifact items to characters on the same registration.
This very special artifact is available to buy direct just for today, but I’m sure it will appear again as a promo item, as it’s way too good to only drop for one day.
Some of the keen-sighted among you might also be wondering whether this paves the way for more body modification shenanigans… well… I am here right now to absolutely not deny that at all! There’s a new body mod slot available on your descriptions, and we fully intend to use it! (Not like that, you heathens).
Stay tuned for a Winterflame extravaganza in December, with a whole heap of new artifacts, rewards and the long-awaited release of Habitations!
Happy swooping,
Damiel and the Starmourn team

Wow, it’s June already! Time really got away from us over the past few months as the team has buckled down on a lot of really big projects we’ve all wanted to tackle for awhile.
All the changes that have happened since March are available in game on our Announcements newsboard, but to keep the website content fresh and current, we’ll start posting a backlog of all the shiny new things we’ve created recently! Today we’re going to focus on BATTLE STUFF of all kinds, so keep reading for a variety of new ways to be aggro on your fellow players.
Virtual reality software continues to improve in the Starmourn Sector. Introducing: BATTLESPACE, a VR arena for ship combat!
In Almasi, north of the transports, you can access BattleSpace. In Space VR, ships and ship supplies are free. So practice your maneuvers, fire off some cannons, and build up the biggest, baddest, prettiest ship you can imagine. The only things off limits are luxury liners and auction ships.

Bot fighting is a popular past time within Starmourn sector. Bot kits, fabricated and sold by corporate members of the Mechanized Entertainment Combat Cooperative (or MECC), are wildly popular among young and old.
In other words, after an extended period of development, we’ve finally made Battlebots available to Starmourn’s playerbase!! It was a long haul, but we got there in the end. Build your bot, name it, boost its stats, and watch it climb RANKINGS BATTLEBOTS to the champion’s platform. What glory will you gain with your fighting robot by your side?
We have plenty of artifacts to enhance the Battlebots experience, too – including Battlebot life extenders, honorable retirement chipsets, repair discounts, and more. Check out our artifact store in game!
Crew Battles!

A change has been made to arena battles that will enhance your understanding of group pvp combat in Starmourn. ARENA CREWCHALLENGE has been added, allowing your crew to challenge another crew in team combat.
Practice for the next cosmpiercer meeting or simply test out team mechanics between the different classes without having to deal with the sweet sting of a HETE payment.
Stay tuned for more updates coming really soon!

Hey Starmourners, if you like to play Starmourn every day, we have good news for you! If you WANT to play Starmourn every day, but needed more incentive to do so- we still have good news for you. (And if you don’t care, the good news is things aren’t going to change.)
By now, you probably know all about our daily credits system, a way for you to play the game AND earn our currency without paying real money for it. Today, we’re introducing Daily Streaks and Milestone Rewards as a brand new enhancement to the daily credits system.
Streaking is a way to earn MORE daily credits. You see, the maximum number of daily credits you can earn will depend on how consistently you can play the game. If you play Starmourn daily for at least an hour, earning at least one daily credit during that time, you will qualify for a streak. Streaks increase the amount of daily credits you can earn over time, and at its cap, will more than double your maximum. Milestone streaks will award you a prize of bound credits (You don’t need to do anything to earn these, just streak!) and a unique honors line and title. The longer you streak, the more valuable your milestone rewards will be.
Be careful, though. If you lose your streak, you start over from 0 – log in every day for the most rewards and accolades possible!
Good luck, Starmourners, and happy streaking!
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Hello, Starmourners!
It’s another month – March, to be precise. We hope you’ve enjoyed all the shipchanges we’ve all been working on! Don’t forget to give Damiel and Zersiax a whole lot of love for all their hard work, testing, and research. The new Storytellers are also busy – you might have been noticing a few little quests popping up here and there. And of course, we have all been absolutely in love with Selubir.
We’ve been setting new records for missiles fired in Mission Control, by the way. Seriously, did you know that in the past two weeks you’ve shot the grid almost twice as many times as you did for the entire month of January?
What’s on the horizon for THIS month, you ask? Well, Mission Control is going away for a bit, but as the subject of this announcement has probably clued you in – we now have tesseracts available! Gather your friends and share the love!! If you’re unfamiliar with tesseracts, check out HELP TESSERACTS for all the details, and be sure to go stock up on some on our website – they’re under Artifact Packages.
We have new prizes available in the tesseracts, and they are the following things:
– A RoamTek experimental exploration matrix – This HIGHLY unstable teleportation device is perfect for flinging yourself (or your allies) across the known galaxy at a moment’s notice. RoamTek takes no responsibility for any loss of life, limb, or sanity that occurs while using the device, but does promise that they’ve worked out the bug that lands you in the middle of a star. Mostly. Probably. Recharges every 12 hours. Not usable in arenas.
– A shipboard drinkery – Curate and serve a custom menu of beverages onboard your vessel with the help of your new cheerful robotic companion, permanently installed in this new ship room.
– A small diamond-backed scorptail – Annoy your enemies and amaze your friends with the control you have over this highly venomous, miniature scorptail pet. One of the galaxy’s most savage predators, rendered benign (to you. mostly.) by a cybernetic implant. Genetic engineering has made this little guy the size of a feracht rather than a broncayo, making it a lot less deadly when it decides to sit on your shoulder.
– Two new issues of StarStruck magazine – the Pop Stars edition and the Punk Icons edition. Try on the dazzling rainbowfied look of the Pop Stars genekit, or get gritty with the sharp-edged style of a Biopunk icon.
Also available are:
-a portable RoamTek Trophymaker
-an understated leesa dispenser
-the Galactic Starship Trend Tracker
-a stasis field
-a transponder registration chip
-a pair of eight-sided fortuity dice
And the usual random minipets, credits, lessons, mildly interesting things, and so much more!
Artifacts available in this month’s tesseracts are as follows:
Good luck, Starmourners. I hope you find a lot of gold at the end of your
rainbows this March!
p.s. We have something fun and new coming in a couple weeks, so stay tuned!!
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Been a minute since we updated the website, so here’s what we’ve been up to lately, Starmourners!
Selubir Expands!
The incredibly hard work and artistry of Damiel and Soren is revealed in their biggest, most lovingly detailed project yet. The planet Selubir, a dusty, orange-colored human colony known most famously as the homeworld of Cassandra Min, has been expanded in a massive way to be more friendly to newbies and veterans alike. Full of lore, quests, and new creatures, you’ll have to visit it to learn all its secrets, but check out Announcement 190 for a sneak peak at all the details. This project has been a labor of love, and it shows in every line, so be sure to check it out!
New Storytellers!
Give a warm, warm welcome to Argus, Nicnevin, and Neritus, Starmourn’s newest and shiniest Storytellers. They’ve been working hard to get up to speed on the game’s current systems and complete their training tasks – it won’t be long now before they start in on projects of their own!
Luxury Superstructures!
New superstructures are available from Serenity Forgeworks and Vertix Luxury Systems. They are expensive, but their stats have been significantly boosted. Check them out at shipforges across the sector today! New shipsims and new capacitors have also been added for some ship classes. Check out announcement 183 and update 429 for more.
Affliction Changes
Last but not least, Senzei and Zersiax have been working hard too! Thanks to the feedback of the player base, we’ve been slowly working at refining the game’s afflictions. The ‘mind’ and ‘muscular’ affliction categories have recently received some love. Read announcements 187 and 188 to get the details!
That’ll do it for now, spacers. See you in the stars!

The Starmourn team currently has an opening for a new Storyteller – possibly two if we get some really good applicants – and we are looking for someone or someones with enthusiasm and passion to shape the future of everyone’s favorite space mud!
Storytellers are meant, first and foremost, to drive player stories in an individual faction and take the lead on its creative direction. While we do have rules and restrictions for our volunteer staff, we have perks as well! Storytellers have a lot of creative freedom within those rules, and are able to shape the direction of the game for themselves and players under their jurisdiction – with guidance from Senior Staff!
If you have good communication skills, the ability to finish what you start, and think you’re up for being an active member of our volunteers, please consider sending in an application to eukelade@starmourn.com with answers to the following questions.
1. Why do you want to be a Storyteller?
2. How much time do you think you will be able to contribute to the game in a normal week?
3. What do you think you will bring to the game?
4. What are your expectations for being a Storyteller?
5. What three things would you change about Starmourn?
6. How would you describe yourself in online interactions?
7. What’s your mud experience like?
8. What do you think your most valuable contribution to Starmourn has been, thus far?
9. What’s your favorite feature of Starmourn, and why?
Looking forward to hearing from you! You have until 11:59pm on Monday, February 1st, to apply.
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