We’ve just unveiled a massive batch of ship changes, giving space ships a whole bunch of additional fit-out customisation, as well as paving the way for a bunch of upcoming ship changes! Check out the Updates post #133 for all of the information!

Happy February! Are you ready for some exciting news?
Starmourn has been purring along for two and a half months and we feel as though things have settled to the point we can allow retirements into the sector.
Starting immediately, Starmourn is open for retirement credits.
All characters will be able to use retirement credits through April 15th. After April 15th, open retirement will end and Starmourn will return to normal retirement rules. Normal retirement rules only allow credits to be used on new characters (less than 30 real life days old).
You can connect and play the game through the Iron Realms Nexus client at https://play.starmourn.com.
We’re pleased to announce the opening of our first ever Classlead round here in Starmourn!
What are classleads you ask? They’re a system whereby players can submit suggestions for changes or additions to a skill or ability in the game.
Classleads will be open for submission for the next week – closing Sunday, February 24th at 23:59 GMT. At that point, submissions will be closed and you’ll be able to comment on the submitted reports.
For more information on how the system works, and how to submit your ideas and suggestions, please see HELP CLASSLEADS in-game.
Excited to see what’s coming up next in Starmourn? Head over and check out the latest in our Development Updates blog posts on the Starmourn forums!
The development team has just released their latest Dev. Updates post, detailing recent releases/changes and what’s on the cards for the immediate future! Check it out on the Starmourn forums today!
Starmourn just went into open beta, which means it’s time to strap yourself in and get ready to head for the stars!
It’s been over 3.5 years since we first started working on Starmourn, and we can finally pull the curtain back now and let you experience what we’ve been working on! We think Starmourn is the most exciting sci-fi MUD out there, and our whole team deserves the credit.
Starmourn has all sorts of systems that are genuinely new to Iron Realms games, from our unique take on hacking to momentum-based, highly-customizable starships to some of the player government systems to the wetwiring healing system to the way so many resources are entirely under player control in terms of harvesting the raw materials in space, refining them at a player-owned and operated refinery, and then turning them into manufactured goods to our room props and more.
The game also features a main quest storyline that starts from day one and goes to level 75 – something none of our other games have done.
Congrats to the whole Starmourn team, and as for you, dear readers – get ready to experience an entirely new MUD from opening day. In the future, you’ll be looked back at as the first generation of Starmourn players, who will likely leave an outsized mark on the legacy of the game. Do us proud!

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