It’s wild to believe that Starmourn is already turning SIX years old, but here we are! Let’s celebrate in style – Everyone who logs in this month will receive a free Rainbow Tesseract and a 6th Year Commemorative badge!
TOUCH the badge for a sentimental look back at some of our friends from the new tutorial released this year. For those unfamiliar with Rainbow Tesseracts, you can OPEN them to receive a bunch of gifts for yourself, or in a room with other players to give EVERYONE a gift.
Don’t delay – Log in to Starmourn today!

To our players new and old alike – Thank you all for joining us on the journey that was 2024. We love you dearly and know that this community you continue to foster is what makes the Starmourn Sector such an amazing place to explore and play.
New Years Commendations will be posted some time tomorrow to kick off the year in traditional fashion, so keep an eye out and stay tuned!
Your Starmourn Admin Team
And with that, another Winterflame season has come to a close! Thank you all for celebrating another warm-hearted winter festival with us here in Starmourn. The SS Ironbeard has already returned home for a much deserved rest, and Factional elements will be slowly put back into storage over the next sync or so.
For everyone who helped out with the Festival Grounds this season, this is your last chance to grab your Winterflame rewards from Rohna on Omni! Check in with her within the next two syncs before she heads home to prepare for next year.

Also… New Years Commendations are due today at Sync!
Check out NEWS READ ANNOUNCE 514 in-game to learn how you can earn up to 75 credits by nominating and being nominated for categories in this year’s commendations, plus trophies, fan mail, and more!
To participate, we ask that you fill out a nomination form which is available in HELP 17.1 (Commendations) in-game or on pastebin at (password posted on Discord), then send your completed form to me (Argus) on Discord or in-game via message.
More details to come on the voting and New Year celebration!
Late to post, but for those who don’t already know… It’s officially Winterflame in the Starmourn Sector! Don’t miss your chance to earn up to 8 FREE rainbow gifts to share with your friends, packed with winter holiday presents. In fact, you’ll get one just for talking to Rohna on Omni Station!
The Winterflame Festival grounds have reopened this year with a unique Snowball Fight arena experience, quests to complete, and the opportunity to earn new festival rewards including a HugTech Industries Ku’ati plush! Giftcatchers are also back up for sale via credits and marks at the top of the market for those of you in the giving mood.

Stay tuned for New Years celebrations and more to come – Happy Holidays!
Your Starmourn Admin Team
We bid farewell to the Floating Market at the top of this month, but I wanted to take a moment to share some of this on the blog as well –

New shops this round included a vehicle stall, storage options, and pets as well as new stalls for promotional items that had previously been unavailable for marks purchase. The NPCs enjoyed getting to know everyone, and I hope you all enjoyed the same! As a reminder, these NPCs may be available for RP Request adventures in the future if you are inclined to pursue it.
Please join me in a big shout out to Svatlina, Oipo, Shulamit, and Poet who each opened up a shop for this round of the Market! It takes guts and creativity to make materials to sell in these events, and I do hope each found it a fruitful experience. As a thank-you for the effort, I will be sharing a modest marks bounty with each of these fabulous designers.
Thank you as well to everyone who participated in picking up goods and exploring the market! This was my first time setting it up myself, and I look forward to continuing to build out this event for future installments.
If there’s something you particularly liked or something you’d like to see in a future Floating Market, please shoot me a message! Would love to hear any and all feedback.
Argus and the Starmourn Team
Welcome one and all to the event of the season in Starmourn – The Floating Market 976 A.E.!
This year the market will be floating around Fontain Station from November 15th-25th, which should be plenty of time for folks to thoroughly check it out. As always you may either fly to it or take ground transports.

Img from r/AIFantasyWorld
What does one do at this market?
At the illustrious Floating Market, players can purchase things that will only ever be available from the Market, as well as some promo items available for purchase with marks instead of credits.
Some goods will be rare. Some will not. There may be only one of some items. The stock may change while the market is open. There is no guarantee you will ever see anything at one market at the next market. You might. You might not. Go in with the mindset that if you want it, you should buy it. The Floating Market is -entirely changeable-.
For this round, many of the shops our veterans know and love are returning in some form or another, giving our new folks access to their fantastic wares. However we’ve also added several brand NEW shops and NPCs to meet!
What if I want to sell things?
Players can claim a market stall (one per person!) for 50k marks and sell their wares during for the entire span of the market for the chance to make several loads of marks and even earn new titles!
All wares and props will be cleared automatically at the end of the market, so be sure to remove anything from your shop before it resets! We hope for this place to be a hub of roleplay while it is town.
If you are interested in hosting a shop as a seller, please send me a message in-game by November 4th if possible so I can get you in ahead of time to set things up. Also so I can track it and ensure we have enough space!
Happy shopping!
Your Starmourn Admin Team
What’s that? Who’s there?!
For those of you not already in the Discord, here’s your mid-month reminder: Rapadruk Season is upon us, Starmourn! As the night’s shadows encroach on the day’s glow, the gloomy holiday brings out the band of Candy Dans and all sorts of trickery across those populated planets and ALL known racial homeworlds of the sector.

Rapa’ruk Mansion
Check out HELP RAPADRUK for more info on this Krona holiday, then head to Gunurash III to talk with Candy Dan or explore the Drukula brothers’ infamous Rapa’ruk Mansion (v15087) for some frightful fun! Within the Mansion, you can explore two paths on an interactive journey through the scariest tales of the Starmourn Sector, if you dare…
Oh, and set your calendars for October 19th at Sync-1 for a bonus, ritualistic experience before the Starmourn Round Table talk. It’ll be a bloody good time!

Lucent Radiowaves STAR SEARCH
We’re also going to start a new, smaller contest to add some spooky vibes to the Lucent Radiowaves in the form of a new band and their top hits.
The winner of this contest may see their band come to life, and all submissions will be put up for consideration to be added to the Lucent Radiowave’s new Genres: Goremetal + Synthedge, and Moods: Spooky + Scary.
Your entry should include:
- The new band’s name
- A description of 2-3 band members, including what they look and sound like
- 2-3 song names as well as the song’s lyrical theme, genre, and mood.
For example:
Band: Gringle’s Grungles
Lead Singer: Gringle – A Loroi with a long flowing braid dyed blood red, wrapped around her neck like a hangman’s noose. She speaks with a rasping voice, as if she’s smoked straight exhaust fumes her whole life, but she sings in a haunting warble that’ll send a shiver down your spine.
Song 1: Rapasu Quake Killer (Synthedge, Spooky)
A groaning, lilting melody about the loss of a puppy to the monstrous maw of a Northern Usum Rapasu worm that peaks in a roaring crescendo.
Song 2: Nightstalker, Dream Eater (Goremetal, Spooky)
Sung by someone that sounds like they’ve just been stabbed and are trying to pretend they’re fine, this anthem is about lost love, but winds its way through strange metaphors and dreamlike sequences.
We’ll accept a maximum of 1 band, 3 members, and 3 songs per entry. Please send your entry as a Pastebin or Notepad file to Argus either in-game via Message or on Discord.

Scare the Storytellers 2024
And of course, this also kicks off our Scare The Storytellers contest for 2024! This year we will not be limiting the contest entries to a story from your race’s – As long as it’s scary, creative, and rooted in lore, we’re happy to read what you can come up with! More details will be posted soon, including this year’s prizes.
A new story outlining something r4ethat inspires terror across the denizens of the sector. Whether it’s a scary monster, a haunting philosophy, or a tale of warning, we want to read stories rooted in lore that would inspire goosebumps across a Ry’nari’s hide.
- Your entry must include ALL required information detailed above.
- One entry per player.
- Collaboration is ok, but only the person who submits the entry can win the prize.
- No stories or creepypastas lifted directly from current Earth culture. Taking inspiration is fine, but the final product should be unique and wholly yours.
- Goes without saying, but no AI generated content. We’re on the honor code here – This should come from you.
Entries should be sent as a Pastebin, Notepad file, or Google Doc link to Argus in game and will be shared among game staff for judging, crying, and screaming in terror! (Not necessarily in that order.) Your deadline is 11:59pm EST on October 31st. We’ll take a couple days to decide, then announce the winner!
You are welcome, though not required, to use this entry form:
The winning entry will receive a unique item of some kind or a minipet loosely based on their creation, subject to admin discretion. Details about the creature will also be added to our public wiki and the main website, solidifying the fruits of your depraved imagination into game canon forever.
In addition, everyone who submits an entry will receive:
– 25 credits
– A special mask only available through this contest
To check out entries from previous years, you can check out the website or go right to the wiki!
Cowering in fear, but excited,
Your Starmourn Admin Team
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