Floating Markets, Rapadruk Spirits, and Winterflame Festivity – Oh My!

Now that things have settled a bit with the Newbie Experience, check out the roster of fun end of year holidays the Starmourn sector is known for!


A human stands in shadow, their face almost complete obscured against the dark backdrop, with bright pink hair pulled into a tight, thin bun and spikes protruding from their shoulders. The image is meant to depict a Human spacer preparing their Rapadruk costume for the Starmourn sector.
A human preparing their Rapadruk costume in the Starmourn Sector

Rapadruk Season is the Starmourn analog to Halloween, and the Sector decks itself out with ENTHUSIASM for all the spooky theming and parties similar to the Earthen holiday.

Join us for the reopening of Raparak Mansion, trick-or-treating across the Sector, and of course our annual tradition: Scare the Storytellers! Check out previous entries here.

We might also have a few treats up our sleeves… You’ll have to log in to see!


Colorful clothing lines the walls of a packed vendor stall, shirts, blankets, hats and more displayed across a collection of tables and hanging from the rafters as a customer stands in the center, looking tiny amidst all the offerings. The image is meant to capture an example of a cluttered stall in the Starmourn Floating Market.
A snapshot of a cluttered stall in the Floating Market.

The Floating Market is ON! Running for only a week in November, the Floating Market serves as an opportunity to get unique, one-of-a-kind and limited run wares from NPC shopkeeps, plus serves as a place for players to host their own shops and make incredible marks sales. There are also wedding and concert venues, so be sure to check it out while you can. More details to come!

We’ve outfitted a variety of new vendors and improved on the offerings of some returning classics so new and veteran spacers alike have the opportunity to grab something hot ‘n fresh from the limited time market offerings. Learn more about the Floating Market here.


A small snow owl peaks its head out from a pile of bright white snow, its grey face and wide eyes creating an adorable composition amidst a wintry backdrop.
A tiny aul hunkers down in the tundra, peeking out from beneath a pile of cold, fluffy snow.

Closing the year, we celebrate our annual holiday of Winterflame, when Ironbeard raises his ship and flies across the Sector to drop presents and glee to all!

A Tukkav holiday at its core, Winterflame is the celebration where spacers of every race and creed set aside their differences to come together in warmth and friendship, to exchange gifts, and to build a chosen family that is as important as blood. Learn more about Winterflame here.

Every year the Admin team works to bring about a unique event or game system for players to enjoy as our gift to you, and we end the year with Player Nominations – A chance for y’all to give kudos to each other for all you’ve accomplished over the course of the year.

Other Fun Things & Dev Updates

The Admin team regrouped last week to discuss dev plans and ideas, as well as to create a roadmap of our releases for the next few months. We’re hard at work building new areas, planning a Xenohunt weekend, and otherwise developing fun content for y’all to enjoy, so stay tuned and keep an eye to the blog!

Reminder about the REQUEST system, whereby any player can build out their RP journey and get admin assistance for new experience, events, areas, and more! If you’ve got an idea you’ve been wanting to explore, send Argus a message in game or consider submitting an RP REQUEST today.

With much love and excitement,
Your Starmourn Admin Team

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