Bye, Floating Market! Until next time.
We bid farewell to the Floating Market at the top of this month, but I wanted to take a moment to share some of this on the blog as well –

New shops this round included a vehicle stall, storage options, and pets as well as new stalls for promotional items that had previously been unavailable for marks purchase. The NPCs enjoyed getting to know everyone, and I hope you all enjoyed the same! As a reminder, these NPCs may be available for RP Request adventures in the future if you are inclined to pursue it.
Please join me in a big shout out to Svatlina, Oipo, Shulamit, and Poet who each opened up a shop for this round of the Market! It takes guts and creativity to make materials to sell in these events, and I do hope each found it a fruitful experience. As a thank-you for the effort, I will be sharing a modest marks bounty with each of these fabulous designers.
Thank you as well to everyone who participated in picking up goods and exploring the market! This was my first time setting it up myself, and I look forward to continuing to build out this event for future installments.
If there’s something you particularly liked or something you’d like to see in a future Floating Market, please shoot me a message! Would love to hear any and all feedback.
Argus and the Starmourn Team