The New Tutorial’s First Days, New Archaeology, and QOL Updates
First of all, a huge shout out to ALL the new players who have joined the Starmourn Sector since the New Tutorial released just one week ago! We are beyond thrilled to see so many new faces joining the game and really taking to it.
Celebrating the New Tutorial
We announced on release day that ALL spacers would get a FREE rainbow tesseract upon logging in AND would get to take advantage of DOUBLE XP for the rest of the month.
Then on Monday this week, we announced in game that ALL players are eligible to receive up to 8 additional rainbow tesseracts just for playing! Every 10 hours spent in game until the end of the promo period = 1 more tesseract to share with friends.
Players have gone wild, teaming up on hunting expeditions, taking to the skies in pursuit of fortune and fame in the stars, and celebrating in style by organizing parties to maximize the rewards of this period.
We are so grateful to all of our veteran players for welcome new folks with open arms, branch-ends, wings, tendrils, and such. Y‘all are truly the heart of this game, and you make the Sector a wonderful place to play.
New Archaeology Digsite: ISHBI
We are deeply delighted to dish some dirt on a dazzling new digsite that Archeology aficionados have been waiting ever so patiently for;
Scatterhome’s Ishbi asteroid, a dry rock full of dusty saloons, tarak beetle ranches, and a wilderness of strip-mined canyons has recently unearthed some items that may be of academic and historical interest.

Photo by arash payam on Unsplash
Six new fossils and three new antiquities are waiting for the collective You to dig them up, dust them off, and dash them to pieces on the research table.
As a reminder (or an FYI to our new friends), Archaeology is a system of roleplay collaboration, allowing groups of people to get together to uncover some in-world lore and gleanings of history from the fossils and antiquities of the past. We encourage all of you to seek out your Faction’s Curators to learn more!
Implemented today, players will now be offered a WELCOMEBACK package if returning to Starmourn after 60+ IRL days on the ice.
This command will give you any armor you’re missing and a full set of class appropriate weaponry based on your MIL, as well as some marks and clothing to help you get where you need to be.

Pat-patting your frost-laden cryo chambers,
Your Starmourn Admin Team