Love, Death, and Robots

So, Starmourners. I bet you’re wondering what we’ve been up to since the beginning of January, right? Read on, because we’re gonna tell you!
Since the turn of the year, implementing the playerbase’s hundreds of classlead suggestions have taken the bulk of January’s development time. It continues to be a focus for our lead coders, with substantial refinements to the B.E.A.S.T., Fury, Nanoseer, and Scoundrel classes, with decent inroads on the Engineer. We’re continuing to listen to your feedback, here – don’t be shy about filing bugs if you notice something amiss with the new features.
February So Far

Open on Omni Station this month is The Amory’s pop-up store, stocked with a whole host of sexy things designed to enhance your love connection. Tokens for the Amory can be found in this month’s boxes, which you can get as prizes for Playing Cupid with all your friends in game – or for being the target of a Cupid of your own. Surely people won’t mind a little nanite dart. There’s more exciting Valentine’s Day news in the works, too!
Also introduced this month as an IRE-wide change is the addition of new Iron Elite membership options. Now, when you purchase an Iron Elite membership, you have the ability to purchase a 3, 6, or 12 month bundle, with an immediate windfall of credits and XP bonuses for you to enjoy.
Upcoming Features and Events

A little later in the month, we’ll be unveiling a feature-rich new game which we think most of you will rather like. The hint is in the image – so keep playing! We’re still in the testing phases, but when we release, you’ll know it!

And at the beginning of March, log in to participate in ANARCHY, A Scatterhome Music Festival. Organized by one of our most prolific players, Scatterfest promises to be an extravaganza like none other. In true Scatterhome fashion, we’re sure the event promises to delight with a few twists and turns nobody could possibly be expecting…

That’s it for our glance back at January (and some of February), and our peek into the next few weeks! Don’t forget to pick up a bag of conversation hearts at The Amory so you can tell your loved ones “I’LL KILL U LAST”.
Happy February!
[…] Starmourn has Love, Death, and Robots […]
[…] that music festival we talked about? Yeah, that happened…but things didn’t exactly go according to […]