An Update and Admin Commands
We continue to steadily move towards release. Currently, there’s a lot of usability work going on as internal playtesting finds things that are troublesome, frustrating, or confusing. For instance, the ship system needed some streamlining as it was pretty unwieldy. Frankly, it’s still a little unwieldy, due to the fact that it’s pretty complicated, but I’m fairly confident that the min-maxers among you are going to love figuring out how you want to equip your ships, and others will follow your lead as you find good sets of options.
On the building side, the focus right now is on the main questline, which is quite a lot of work, but hopefully worth it – I think it’ll be interesting to see how you guys react to one of our games having that as a feature.
Admin Commands
As we work our way towards release, I thought some of you might be interested in seeing some of how we admin the game behind the scenes. This by no means constitutes everything, but does probably give you a flavor of how varied and broad the range of things is that we have to build admin interfaces for.
First, a glimpse of part of the top-level ADMIN command, which is the root verb for a range of things. Many things aren’t under this command for various reasons (compatibility with the shared backend our games have, etc), but this should give you an idea. These are all two-word root verbs for sets of actual commands.

And here’s what some of the actual commands under those two word root verbs look like (sorry about the small text in this one). You can see the armor interface, the space template interface, and the celestial body interface.

Hi, could you possibly, put the text that’s in the pictures, below it or something? Because I can’t read what is in the picture with my screen reader. Just letting you know. Still waiting patiently for release. Thanks. Kevin Roberts.
I’ll try to type some out soon and reply to this post with it!
A bit late but I put this into an OCR:
Admin options
ADMIN AREA Manage areas.
ADMIN ARENA Manage Arenas.
ADMIN ATMOS Atmospheric messages.
ADMIN BAN Manage IP bans.
ADMIN COSMPIERCER Manage cosmpiercers.
ADMIN CUSTEXIT Manage custom exits.
ADMIN CUSTOMIZATION Manage customization options.
ADMIN DATASHARD Manage datashards.
ADMIN DITCH Ditch a player.
ADMIN ENVIRONMENT Manage environment types.
ADMIN FLUIDS See fluid information.
ADMIN GUARDS Manage faction guards.
ADMIN HONORS Create and modify in game honors/achievements.
ADMIN LANDMARK Manage area landmarks.
ADMIN MINDSIM Add new mindsim messages and styles.
ADMIN MOBSHOP Create and modify mob shops.
ADMIN OACTSET Assign oact sets.
ADMIN ORGANICS Manage organics (space monsters).
ADMIN PATROL Manage paths for patrolling mobs.
ADMIN PREMOTE Administer premotes.
ADMIN PROPTABLE Manage prop tables.
ADMIN PTP Modify a personal teleportation portal’s settings.
ADMIN SHIP Manage ships.
ADMIN SPACEMOB Set up space mob spawning (ships and organics).
ADMIN STATION Manage space stations.
ADMIN TITLES Manage titles.
Assigned Priv options
ADMIN LIFT All things lift.
ADMIN INSTANCE Manage instances.
ADMIN SPACEINSTANCE Manage space instances.
ADMIN LOOTSET Manage loot sets.
ADMIN DESIGN Manage design tradeskills.
ADMIN VOIDGATE Manage voidgates.
Coder options
ADMIN ABILITY Create and modify in-game abilities.
ADMIN MOTHERLESS Find replicas without a mother.
ADMIN STATE Manage entity/replica/game/… states.
Producer options
ADMIN ARMOR Manipulate armor database.
ADMIN BUILDINGS Manage buildings.
ADMIN CELBODY Manage celestial bodies.
ADMIN CRAFTING Manage item creation tradeskills.
ADMIN ECONOMIES Manage economies.
ADMIN GRID Manipulate hacking grids.
ADMIN JUNK Manipulate junk drops.
ADMIN MARKTRACKING Manipulate mark tracking.
ADMIN MODS Manipulate item mods.
ADMIN NEWS Manipulate news sections.
ADMIN ORGS Manipulate organizations.
ADMIN SECTOR Manipulate space sectors.
ADMIN SPACE Manipulate space entity layout.
ADMIN SPACEJUNK Manipulate space junk drops.
ADMIN TRADENETWORK Manipulate trade networks.
ADMIN WEAPON Manipulate weapon database.
ADMIN ZONE Manipulate space zones.
Speaking as a non-min-maxers, I don’t mind complexity as long as some NPCs will sell me ready-made ship packages. Non-optimal ships, aye, but it beats breaking out an Excel sheet.
Somehow I thought all development was done in some python or c++ SDK. Didn’t realize you did much of the content development in-game. And someone had to program all those commands! So much work!
I’m so excited!!